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Restaurants and Bars
For Sale:

A Little About Us

David Thompson Real Estate was established in 1994 to sell and lease restaurants and bars in the Calgary area. During the past 27 years we have sold or leased over 400 restaurant and bar businesses.

Welcome Buyers

If you are interested in buying a business, please review our Listings page and click on the category that closest matches your requirement. You will then be presented with a list of businesses for sale in that category. Click on any link and you will be brought to a detailed information sheet on that business. Then consult us if you are interested in learning more details on the business including the name and address. You will be required to sign a simple confidentiality agreement to receive further details. No fee or commision will be paid by buyers. The seller will pay the fee.

Welcome Sellers

If you are considering selling your business, please call us for a confidential meeting to discuss your situation. At that time we will discuss the value of your business and our fee. There is no charge for this meeting. You will only pay a fee if we sell your business.

Welcome Realtors

We are pleased to cooperate with realtors. Please call to discuss your requirements. You and your customer will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement to receive further details of a business for sale. If you have a business for sale we would be pleased to assist you with the sale of that business also.

Name, Address and Photographs

We regret that due to the confidential nature of these listings we are unable to provide these particular details at this time. Once a confidentiality agreement is signed by a buyer, the name, address and other sensitive information will be disclosed.

Listing Prices

The prices shown for these listings do not include inventory, cash on hand, deposits etc. The price includes the business assets including furniture, equipment and goodwill. The shares of the company owning the business are not for sale unless specifically stated.

Guest Comments

If you have any comments or suggestions regarding our website, we would be pleased to receive an email from you.


Please feel free to print off any one of our listings.
See our Printing page for more details.
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Existing Listings for Sale:

A093: Long Established N. East Pub with VLTs - $179,000 (* NEW*)

A088: Quality NW Neighbourhood Pub - $299,000 (Sold)

B130: 35 Seat Restaurant with Open Kitchen Close to 17th Avenue SW - $139,000 (* NEW *)

E044: Pizza Restaurant and VLT Lounge - $269,000 (Available)

Contact Us At The Following: DavidThompsonRealEstate@shaw.ca
Cell: 403-560-0766
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